Cabibbo Angle Anomaly
Updated: 2022-07-08 03:20:00
: skip to main skip to sidebar Axitronics Dark energy solved By giving neutrino there own type of electric and magnetic forces . The force is known as the axial force , thus the title , axitronics , as the equivalent of electronics for . neutrinos Thursday , 7 July 2022 Cabibbo Angle Anomaly Found a interesting paper on ArXiv , Explaining the Cabibbo Angle Anomaly in which A . Crivelin , summaries ways of explaining the matrix of transition amplitudes for up type quarks being turn to down type quarks of the same of different generations . This Cabibbo Matrix is not unitrary at 3 sigma , but it has to be unitary in fact . Crivelin shows that it could be explained as the weak force being strong in muon decay than in interactions between quarks , 3.4 Sigma discrepancy between the Fermi Weak